Hair resolutions for 2018: dos and don’ts
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions we often choose to focus on doing more exercise or eating
healthier, and it can be easy to forget the basics like looking after our hair. Here are four important
hair care resolutions that you should make in 2018 – these will help keep your hair in tip top
condition all year long.

DON’T Forget to take care... read more
Hair brushes: types and uses
Styling your hair and keeping it in check is a daily job, and in order to make the most of your locks you need to have the right brush for the task at hand. Whether it’s detangling, styling a sleek look, or creating curls whilst blow-drying, different brushes and combs are best suited to different jobs. Let’s take a look at some of these hairbrushes and what they are best suited to.
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Autumn hair care tips

So the Summer has finally gone and the leaves are starting to change colour. When Autumn begins we think about lots of things: new plans and opportunities, excitement about winter holidays or Christmas. What we’re not often thinking about is our hair care. This might seem like a small consideration with everything else going on in October, but Autumn is in fact the best time...
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Christoforos Kotentos Exclusive Fashion Showcase
LOCATION: Molton House, London
Cisco's Karma worked on a showcase for top Greek couture fashion designer Christoforos Kotentos (http://www.christoforoskotentos.com/) on his Summer 2010 collection theme and new collection of dresses.
The party extended to all four floors of Mayfair's members club Molton House while numerous fashion photographers conducted live shoots throughout the evening. Singer Song writer Tiger Lilly also performed a selection of tracks from her forthcoming album release Reflections. read more